
Friday, July 25, 2014

Early morning sky

You can see part of the sun on right side.  This is from my front porch. Check out more Skywatch images at the Skywatch Site        

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Personal tragedy in family

I have not been on my blog for quite a while.  

My younger and only sister, Donna, died June 13th.  She had lived with the physical effects of a stroke from 2001; her right hand and foot would curl up and give her trouble, especially when she got really tired.  She was quite independent, though, and passed a driving test again. 

It was not expected this early and took us all for a loop.  Grieving still and miss her like crazy.  I loved my sister.  I took this picture about twenty days before her death.  Her daughter and I were with her when she died, I still have bad dreams about that whole day.  It is going to take a good long time before we are OK again.